
Forage seed selector

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Clovers are nitrogen-fixing legumes that form a key component in most forage systems. The most common types are white clover and red clover, although annual clovers are occasionally used throughout drier regions.

Types of Clover

Red Clover

A tap-rooted legume used in pasture mixes or on its own to provide high quality summer forage. Persisting for up to 4-5 years under good conditions, it performs best under low stocking rates, long summer rotations, or for hay/silage production. Red clovers contain phyto-oestrogens (formononetin) so should not be fed as a pure sward to breeding stock immediately prior to and during mating. The phyto-oestrogens help red clover tolerate insects (eg grass grub, black beetle) and leaf disease (eg pepper spot) attack.

White Clover

A perennial legume used in pasture mixes to fix nitrogen and to provide high quality forage. Best used on moderate to highly fertile soils, white clover spreads predominantly by stolons and by producing roots at the stolon nodes to form new plants. Larger leafed clovers tend to be more upright, higher yielding and require rotational grazing while smaller leafed clovers tend to be more persistent and more forgiving of overgrazing. Consider mixing large leafed clovers with medium or small leafed clovers to provide high yield with persistence.

Our Clover Cultivars



Red Clover

A specialist summer crop or valuable pasture component.

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White Clover

Highly productive large leafed clover with grazing persistence.

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White Clover

Exceptional persistence, with strong nitrogen fixation and disease resistance.

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Grazing management and nutrition

To promote quality clover growth, good grazing management is required, this includes ensuring adequate light is reaching the base of the pasture to prevent shading. This is especially important for white clover cultivars that have slow winter growth. Red and white clovers are commonly both included in pasture mixes because of their forage quality, particularly over summer..

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Enquire here about Clover or call 0800 427 676.

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