Breeding programmes

Our plant breeding programme is one of the most extensive, innovative and professional breeding programmes in the world.
Sorry, we currently have no Breeding programmes available.
What we breed:
- Perennial and Hybrid Ryegrass
- Italian and Annual Ryegrass
- Festuloliums (inter-species crosses)
- Cocksfoot
- Tall Fescue
- Meadow fescue
- Clovers
- Forage brassicas
- Forage herbs
The programme emphasis is on delivering forage cultivars that deliver improved performance, fit and ROI for your farm.
Cropmark’s unique varieties are bred with the emphasis on delivering improved yield, higher nutritional values and disease resistance, coupled with the ability to provide more quality forage when most needed.
Our story
Growing closer
We walk alongside you every step of the way to deliver on your production and profitability goals.
Our story