
Forage seed selector

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Commonly grown to bridge feed gaps, brassicas are a high-quality forage crop, that help to maintain the body condition of stock.

Types of Brassicas


Also known as Chou Moellier, kale is a winter active commonly used as a winter feed yielding up to 18t DM/ha. With a deep root system, Kale is highly drought resistance. Kale can be sown in spring for feeding over winter and can be mixed with swedes.

Forage Rape

Rape is an ideal forage crop for stock, often sown alone or as a component of pasture mixes. Ready to graze 12-16 weeks after sowing, Rape is a fast establishing and nutritious feed, ideal for filling summer and winter feed gaps, while also providing single or multi-graze options.


Turnips are a brassica root crop used in NZ farming systems as a fast-maturing single-graze crop. There are two main varieties of turnips, soft, white-fleshed summer turnips and hard, yellow-fleshed winter turnips. While spring and early summer sowings produce summer feed, later sowings provide feed for autumn-winter, helping to manage feed shortages and improve pasture quality.

Our Brassicas Cultivars




A quality feed bred for maximising winter production.

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Bred for improved livestock performance with winter hardiness.

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A fast maturing summer turnip with excellent storage.

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Forage Rape

A multi-graze summer or winter feed with high dry matter yields.

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Grazing management and nutrition

With the potential to produce high volumes of high-quality feed at times of the year when ryegrass growth is limiting, forage brassicas are a great farm-grown supplementary feed.

Get in touch

Enquire here about Brassicas or call 0800 427 676.

For all other enquires contact us.